Dans ce blog, vous trouverez les activités d'éducation environnementale mené au centre d'éducation Open Classroom à Maroantsetra ainsi que dans les paysages de Makira, Masoala et Baie d'Antongil.
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Tomate + Grenouille = Grenouille Tomate "Tomato Frog of Madagascar"
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Cette vidéo parle de la grenouille tomate de Madagascar. Pour enrichir notre connaissance, laissons place à nos oreilles! Bonne écoute :-)
Education is crucial for all nations and children are the leaders of our future. We all have great responsability to mold children into great leaders. This starts by allowing them to reach schools, giving them good education, and helping them to develop the confidence to become strong leaders. Some schools around the Masoala National Park, were supported by "Freunde Masoalas" association through WCS and MNP. Have a look at this short video, made by the young members of the education center: Open Classroom, talking about sharing school materials. Long life to "Freunde Masoalas"!
Réalisation: M.M. et J.R. Une vidéo sur laquelle les jeunes membres du centre d'éducation: Open Classroom de Maroantsetra rehaussent leurs voix sur la préservation de la biodiversité de Madagascar. Encore une fois, protégeons nos ressources naturelles, non seulement pour nous mais aussi pour nos futurs générations!
At the environnmental campus, most of the kids love dancing and we had the idea to have more fun time with their favorite hobbies by shooting in front of the camera. ;-) While making the clip, mr.Solofo, an artist from the Antongil Bay joined us and offered his help to decorate the activity with the kids from the campus. We once taught those kids how to make short clip and movies and wow, will you have a look at their pretty work? Photo: MM Photo: Antonio.R Photo: Antonio.R
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